Some facts about medical devices:

1. Less than 14% of the world population (USA, EU, Japan) consumes 80% of the global medical device market, i.e. 80% of about $200 billions [1,2]

2. “From the simplest of health care systems to the most advanced,
in rich and poor countries alike,
they [health technologies] form the backbone of health services”

3. “..over 50% of the medical equipment in developing countries is not functioning,
not used correctly or not maintained”

4. “A new philosophy of product development and innovation that reflects
the reality of bottom of the pyramid markets will be needed.”
“Quantum jumps in price performance are required
to cater to bottom of the pyramid markets.”
“Marginal changes to products developed for rich countries
in the United states, Europe or Japan will not do.”

[1]  “The Business of Healthcare Innovation”. Cambridge Univ. Press. 2005, p283.
[2], 2006,
[3]  WHO: “towards a WHO model of essential medical devices”2003
[4]  C.K. Pralahad, “The fortune and the bottom of the pyramid”,
       Wharton School publishing, 2005